Further with regards to your blog above which is taken mostly from http://www.theverge.com/2013/3/1/4049592/the-age-of-the-brag-is-over-why-facebook-might-be-losing-teens ‘Adapt to Survive’ section at the bottom of this article:
Ultimately, the day of the overshare may have passed, and bragging online isn’t as fun as it used to be. “I think that kids just don’t care anymore,” Bois wrote. “They have gotten over the idea of knowing everybody’s life and everybody knowing their lives!” Fortunately for Facebook, it has become adept at reshaping itself whenever a new tech trend emerges, like peer-to-peer messaging. “Facebook has been particularly agile about following how people are using it and trying to anticipate what will keep people using it,” Portwood-Stacer says. The company has sculpted its messaging platform into the most functional and useful cross-platform communication service, which most teens admit that they use, and has even added free calling to its Messenger app. Facebook is still on the way up as a pure communication utility. It has also taken steps to decrease the amount of Open Graph “spam” users receive in response to criticism.
“I don’t actually think Facebook itself is stale,” Portwood-Stacer says. “It’s all about changing things up on you when they roll out some new feature… It is more socially stale, if that makes sense.” Today, it’s just not as cool to post pictures of yourself online, no matter which social network you use — unless you’re taking “selfies” ironically, of course.
Lastly is Facebook fading? Maybe in US but not in Brazil (so overall, Facebook maybe declining in some while not in others-just like any product including social media) and that article is http://adage.com/article/digital/brazil-s-big-social-media-land-grab-heats/240061/-In Brazil, Facebook, Twitter Battle For Ad Dollars As Social Land Grab Heats Up
]]>I like the idea of Google+ being the Channel Ten of social media. I wonder what would happen if Lachlan Murdoch and Gina Rinehart bought it.
Google+ is an interesting beast. While it hasn’t the user engagement which Facebook has, Google has a much broader game plan with social media and “identity management” which makes the privacy considerations are far broader.