Comments on: Keeping the cyber utopian dream alive
Society and business in the 21st CenturySat, 17 Jun 2017 09:12:48 +0000
By: innotecture
Sat, 17 Jun 2017 09:12:48 +0000 reply to Gavin Heaton.
Challenge accepted.
By: Gavin Heaton
Sat, 03 Jun 2017 04:47:13 +0000’d like to see Matt write a book about those observations 🙂
By: innotecture
Tue, 23 May 2017 00:34:09 +0000 think we need a Cyber Realist approach,
1. Human beings are broken. They cannot be fixed by either technology or ideology.
2. Human beings are creative. They will use technologies in ways that we cannot predict.
3. Human beings are apes. They are collaborative, competitive, and tribal.
4. Human beings transform and are transformed by their technologies.
5. Every tool can be a weapon. Every weapon can be a tool.
6. You might not be interested in technology but technology is Interested in you.
7. Conversely, you might not be interested in politics but politics is interested in you.
8. We hope not because we believe that we can fix human beings but rather because human beings excel at making new mistakes – or what some call “change”.