spam | Decoding the new economy
Society and business in the 21st CenturySun, 01 Feb 2009 20:08:24 +0000en-AU
1 because you can, 01 Feb 2009 20:08:24 +0000 Godin studies two email marketing campaigns. One that obtained his permission before sending emails and another that didn't. Guess which one works. This is a subject close to my heart. A loophole in the Australian Spam Act allows spamming if the sender has "inferred consent" which can be anything from giving your business card…… Continue reading email because you can
The post email because you can first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]> we coming to the end of spam?, 11 Nov 2008 09:38:51 +0000 BBC reports the results of a US study on the profitability of spam networks. Seven researchers set up a fake pharmacutecal website and used the Storm network to drive traffic to it through spam messages. Out of nearly 350 million messages sent 28 people attempted to buy something which the researchers estimate would have returned…… Continue reading Are we coming to the end of spam?
The post Are we coming to the end of spam? first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]>