startup | Decoding the new economy
Society and business in the 21st CenturyThu, 08 Sep 2016 05:23:29 +0000en-AU
1’s Mayoral Tech Race – Lord Mayor Clover Moore, 08 Sep 2016 05:07:05 +0000 Lord Mayor Clover Moore's team sees a liveable city as being a key part of building a tech and startup sector.
The post Sydney’s Mayoral Tech Race – Lord Mayor Clover Moore first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]>’s Mayoral Tech Race – the Liberal’s Christine Forster, 06 Sep 2016 21:03:29 +0000 Liberal tech platform for the City of Sydney elections is ambitious but will it be enough to make Christine Forster the city's mayor?
The post Sydney’s Mayoral Tech Race – the Liberal’s Christine Forster first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]>’s Mayoral Tech Race – Sydney Matters’ Angela Vithoulkas, 05 Sep 2016 20:12:49 +0000 Matters has a strong business and tech focused platform for the city's mayoral election.
The post Sydney’s Mayoral Tech Race – Sydney Matters’ Angela Vithoulkas first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]>’s Mayoral Tech Race – the ALP’s Linda Scott, 05 Sep 2016 07:18:59 +0000 ALP candidate for the City of Sydney mayoral election has a raft of policies to promote the city's tech sector.
The post Sydney’s Mayoral Tech Race – the ALP’s Linda Scott first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]> the world of talking toasters, 22 Nov 2015 11:48:36 +0000 of the Internet of Things term Kevin Ashton speaks of his startup experiences, the future of work, skills needed for success and why the media is a doing a poor job on reporting technology.
The post Beyond the world of talking toasters first appeared on Decoding the new economy.]]>