I’ll be doing the May Nightlife with Tony Delroy and Laurel Papworth to discuss the business uses of Social Media.
Some of the topics we’ll cover are;
- how do we make sure that our photos, videos and jokes are seen only by our friends and not by the boss or our mum?
- If you do lose your job, how can you use social media to get another one?
- how can businesses use social networks to find staff?
- explain how business and people can get loans through social networks
- why workplaces don’t trust these tools and ban them
- what downsides are there of social media? What are the legal traps and risks to your reputation?
We’ll be live across Australia on ABC Local Radio. The show starts at 10pm and we’ll be taking questions from around 10.30. Call in early on 1300800222 in Australia or +61 28333 1000 for international callers.
Tune in through your local ABC station or stream online through the Nightlife website.