Conglomerates fall out of fashion

It’s worth remembering that conglomerates come in and out of fashion in the business world, right now seems to be a bad time.

Walmart is the one of the world's leading retail businesses

After the announcement earlier this week that HP will split into two, now Bloomberg reports Symantec is considering splitting, this comes after the news that PayPal is being carved off eBay and that Yum foods is looking at divesting some  of its Chinese assets.

It looks like we’re moving into a period where conglomorates are out of fashion; that’s good news for lawyers and consultants advising the companies however it will be worth watching to see what this means for customers, employees and shareholders.

That HP is reportedly shedding 55,000 jobs says some of these conglomerates were chronically overstaffed so it might be good news for the stockholders of the split companies.

Either way, it’s always worth remembering that conglomerates come in and out of fashion in the business world.


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Author: Paul Wallbank

Paul Wallbank is a speaker and writer charting how technology is changing society and business. Paul has four regular technology advice radio programs on ABC, a weekly column on the website and has published seven books.

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