Data and the modern movie producer WETA Digital shows the way on how other businesses will have to manage data in coming years.
Thinking about networked thinking In a world awash with data managers may have to start thinking about networked thinking
Evolving into a data centric company Meg Whitman (center), President and Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, rings the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange on November 2, 2015. CREDIT: Eric Draper The newly demerged HP Enterprise is dealing with a shifting market and a change in product focus.
Volkwagen shows the IoT’s data weakness The Volkswagen emissions scandal shows the data weakness in the internet of things
Programming the Internet’s advertising Appnexus CEO Michael Rubenstein tells us how the advertising industry is evolving with the internet
Management in an age of information abundance How do managers and business owners deal with an age of abundant information?
Business in an age of data abundance The economics of cheap data change industries the same way abundant energy defined the Twentieth Century