Lords of the digital manor

How free content and expensive management can’t live together

There is something fundamentally wrong with AOL’s media business states a Business Insider headline.

What is fundamentally wrong is quite basic to anyone who has owned or managed a business – money.

The problems at AOL illustrate the deep flaws in the “digital sharecropper” business model of putting free or cheap content on the web to harvest online advertising.

Lords of the digital manor

Sites like Demand Media and Huffington Post can’t make money from content if too many staff expect to get paid. Chris Anderson illustrated this in a rebuttal to Malcolm Gladwell where he examined the economics of his GeekDad blog and the work of its manager, Ken;

So here’s the calculus:

  • Wired.com makes good money selling ads on GeekDad (it’s very popular with advertisers)
  • Ken gets a nominal retainer, but has also managed to parlay GeekDad into a book deal and a lifelong dream of being a writer
  • The other contributors largely write for free, although if one of their posts becomes insanely popular they’ll get a few bucks. None of them are doing it for the money, but instead for the fun, audience and satisfaction of writing about something they love and getting read by a lot of people.

It’s almost touching to picture the modern day digital serf touching his flat cap and murmuring “thank you m’lud” on receiving a ha’penny from the lord of the digital manor before scampering back to working on becoming a well read, but unpaid writer.

We don’t pay writers

The business model of the Geek Dad blog or the Huffington Post relies upon these unpaid writers donating their work and time –the digital sharecroppers as described by Jeff Attwood.

Low paid or free labour is essential to the success of these site, when the bulk of advertising income goes straight to the proprietors the digital aristocrats – Lord Chris of Wired or Duchess Arianna – can live well.

The business model falls apart when management starts taking a cut of the profits; install a highly paid CEO and management team with their squadrons of Executive Vice Presidents or Group General Managers with the Medici-esque perks and entitlements these folk demand and the profits disappear.

AOL’s problem is it has too many highly paid managers extracting wealth from the company’s cashflow.

This is exactly the same problem print and television media empires have, once the rich rivers of gold allowed them to build up well paid management castes that are now crippling the businesses as revenues can’t support their financial burden.

Paying for digital media’s future

Over time, online media revenues are improving. As Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker pointed out in 2010 that U.S. consumers spend 28 percent of their media time online, yet in 2010 only 13 percent of ad spending goes to the Internet. As advertisers follow consumers, publishing on the web will become more profitable.

The risk for big media organisations is their money will run out before the digital renaissance arrives and when it does, they may have squandered their natural advantages by shedding quality journalists, experienced sub-editors and good editors in an effort to prop up executive bonuses.

AOL’s management problem is part of a much bigger problem across markets and industries, we can call it managerialism – there are too many highly paid managers getting in the way of the writers, engineers, scientists, artists and tradesman who add real value to their organisations.

Strangely, it may be Chris Anderson’s “free” model that kills the managerial culture as enterprises that can’t afford to pay product creators certainly won’t pay an Executive Vice President’s entitlements.

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Commander takeover

The failure of a communications company is due to weak management.

The saga of Commander’s slow demise raises some questions about the ability of Australia’s technology companies to meet the needs of the small to medium sized business market.

Commander, or Plestel as they were previously known as, were the monopoly provider of small business telephone systems prior to deregulation. At the time of being spun off from Telstra they had a marvellous position in the market.

For most small businesses, the term “Commander System” was synonymous with small business telephones and PABX systems and they had a ready made customer base of over 100,000 small businesses.

You’d think with hundreds of thousands of customers, an incumbent position and such a level of name recognition, it would be impossible to mess up a business like this.

Somehow, through a combination of overcharging and poor service, Commander’s management blew it. In the last nine years their customers have fled to other providers.

This year the share price has fallen from over $2.00 to around 40 cents. The 42c closing share price last Friday was half their issue price when they were floated in December 2000.

The final humiliation was their 18 day suspension from the stock exchange due to the auditors not being prepared to sign off the annual report.

So it’s funny we now see Australian IT reporting AAPT and Optus are looking at buying the company. The rationale being that Optus and AAPT have failed to get into the SMB market.

Commander failed because management didn’t understand the small business market and the economics of selling to the sector. Optus and AAPT have continually struggled with exactly the same issues.

So it’s hard to see how Optus or AAPT buying Commander could add anything to either company’s expertise (0r lack of it) in this field.

The other prospective buyers of Commander are various private equity groups. AVCAL, the Australian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Limited, cite Commander as one of their success stories.

One hopes the next owner of Commander’s going to give AVCAL a real success story to crow about.

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